Short Term Emergency Housing
Sulzbacher offers short-term, emergency housing for men, women and families with children. This program includes three meals per day and access to the full array of services including case management, healthcare, job placement, veteran’s services, children’s services and housing placement.
Emergency housing for Men
Sulzbacher Downtown Campus
611 E. Adams Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 394-1356
Walk-in Hours: 7 days a week
Requirements: State ID, TB Clearance Card
for Women & Families with Children
SULZBACHER VILLAGE: A Community for Women & Families
5455 Springfield Blvd. • Jacksonville, FL 32208
(904) 394-4950
Walk-in Hours: Mon-Thur 8am-11am
Requirements: Birth Certificates and Social Security Cards for all family members
Permanent Housing
Sulzbacher offers several options for people experiencing homelessness or people at-risk of becoming homeless to find permanent housing placement. Housing placements are offered at Sulzbacher Village, as well as several scattered-site locations throughout the city. For more information about permanent housing placement, please call (904) 394-1360.
(Chronically Homeless Offenders Program) Sulzbacher’s CHOP program is a unique partnership between the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, the State Attorney’s Office and the Public Defender’s Office. CHOP offers people who have been homeless for a year or more, the opportunity to receive permanent housing placement with wrap-around supportive services to maintain that placement. By targeting the most frequent misdemeanor offenders in Jacksonville, Sulzbacher is able to break the cycle of chronic homelessness and nuisance crimes for these extremely vulnerable individuals. For more information about the CHOP program, call (904) 394-8089.
Veteran’s Services
For the men and women who have served our country, and have found themselves and their families in crisis, Sulzbacher offers services specifically designed to meet their unique needs. By partnering with the Veteran’s Administration, both emergency and permanent housing placements are offered for both men and women and their families. For more information about services for Veterans, call (904) 394-1366.
Healthcare for Adults
Funded through the Health Resources and Services Administration (an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services), Sulzbacher offers comprehensive healthcare to anyone in the community in need. Sulzbacher’s Health Centers are classified as Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and as such, are designed as safety net providers that serve medically underserved areas and populations. Services are provided on a sliding fee scale based on the patient’s ability to pay, and all insurances are accepted.
Sulzbacher is a Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) deemed facility that offers a complete range of healthcare services the community. For further information on our FTCA status, please contact us at 904-394-8069.
Adult Health Center – Sulzbacher Downtown
611 E. Adams Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Services Offered:
Primary Care (904) 394-1660
Behavioral Health (904) 394-1656
Dental (904) 394-8060
Vision (904) 394-1660
Adult Health Center – Beaches
850 6th Avenue South, Suite 500
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Services Offered:
Primary Care (904) 224-3550
Behavioral Health (904) 224-3550
Vision (904) 224-3550
Click here to download the NEW PATIENT REGISTRATION PACKET.
Your application will only be reviewed when all necessary documents are returned to the clinic. In order to qualify for the sliding fee discount, you must complete all paperwork.
Healthcare for Children
In partnership with Baptist Health and Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital, Sulzbacher offers comprehensive healthcare for children. Sulzbacher Village Pediatric Health Center is a state-of-the-art facility that offers primary care, dental, vision and behavioral health services to children living at Sulzbacher Village, as well as to children in the surrounding community. Supporting this hub of services is Sulzbacher's School-Based Health Center at Ribault High School, operated in partnership with Duval County Public Schools.
To learn more about Sulzbacher's Pediatric Health Center, visit VillagePeds.org
Pediatric Health Center at Sulzbacher Village
5455 Springfield Blvd. • Jacksonville, FL 32208
Services Offered:
Primary care (904) 394-4958
Behavioral Health (904) 394-4958
Vision (904) 394-4958
Dental (904) 394-4958
Sulzbacher School-Based Health Centers
Ribault High School
3701 Winton Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32208
Services Offered:
Primary care (904) 924-1624
Medical Respite
Through partnerships with local area hospitals, Sulzbacher’s medical respite program is a recuperative, temporary housing placement that addresses the complex health issues facing homeless persons following a hospital stay for illness or surgery. Care includes room and board with 24 hour nursing supervision, case management services, and linkage to permanent housing resources. Patients are screened and admitted to the Medical Respite program through direct discharge planning in partnership with local hospital partners. For more information about the Medical Respite program, call (904) 394-1367.
Urban Rest Stop
Provided through a partnership with the City of Jacksonville and Mental Health Resource Center, the Urban Rest Stop at Sulzbacher’s Downtown Campus is a place for people experiencing homelessness to go during the day to receive services. The Urban Rest Stop is not a day resource center, but it accomplishes the same goal by providing services during the day to those still living on the streets. Services include: case management, showers, meals, healthcare, mailboxes, shelter placement, job referrals and more. Services are available from 7:30am – 4pm, Monday through Friday. For more information, call (904) 358-2411
HOPE Street Outreach Team
Sulzbacher’s HOPE Teams (Homeless Outreach Project Expansion) are street outreach teams that work to engage and bring services to those persons experiencing homelessness who are living on the streets in Downtown Jacksonville and at the Beaches. Designed with a medical focus, the HOPE Teams utilize trained medical outreach specialists to engage individuals and begin to build the trust needed to provide services. The HOPE Teams distribute clothing, blankets, food, water, and basic hygiene items to their clients. Medical and psychiatric staff travels with the van to provide medical outreach. Sulzbacher operates two HOPE Teams, one serves the greater downtown area, and a second team serves the communities of Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach. Three additional HOPE Teams are operated in partnership with Changing Homelessness and the Department of Veterans Affairs. These teams are dedicated to meeting the needs of our homeless Veterans.
For more information about Sulzbacher’s HOPE Teams, call
Downtown: (904) 568-8343 • Beaches: (904) 226-7738

Career, Education & Lifeskills
Bringing hope through meaningful employment and a stable income, Sulzbacher offers career, education and lifeskills services to all of its clients at both campuses. Provided through a partnership with Goodwill Industries of North Florida and Florida State College of Jacksonville, these services are uniquely tailored to meet the needs of the homeless and at-risk population. Services include high school diplomas and equivalencies, job readiness, job training and job placement. For more information about these services, call (904) 394-1357.
Children's Program
Sulzbacher is committed to providing services that meet the unique needs of children who are homeless. Through a variety of fun and educational activities, the Children’s Program at Sulzbacher Village is focused on laughter, learning and play, with activities that include tutoring, music, arts and crafts and scouting. Our children’s program wing is equipped with a library, an arts studio, a playground, basketball court, and a computer lab. The focus is to ensure that the children feel safe, to allow them to learn and have fun, and most importantly, know that their community truly cares about them.

Crawford Early Learning Center
Utilizing a multi-generational model and cutting edge practices and interventions, the Crawford Early Learning Center at Sulzbacher Village provides a high-quality early learning program for children birth to age five. With a curriculum designed in partnership with the Florida Institute of Education, the CELC gives these young children the best chance to be prepared for kindergarten when they enter school. A therapeutic, behavioral health component provided in partnership with Child Guidance Center provides interventions including Infant Mental Health and Trauma-Informed Care for children who have experienced significant trauma stemming from domestic violence, physical abuse or other ordeals. For more information about the CELC, call (904) 392-4952.
Food Services
Sulzbacher’s Downtown Campus serves nutritious meals to anyone in the community who is hungry 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Through the amazing support of volunteers, over 1,500 meals are served daily to hungry and homeless people in Jacksonville. Volunteers from more than 100 civic, religious, and business organizations are represented, and these groups provide over $200,000 in support and more than 14,000 hours of volunteer time annually to feed their hungry neighbors. Clients in Sulzbacher’s Short-term Emergency Housing are served three meals a day, and meals are open to the community two times a day.
Community Meals
Sulzbacher Downtown Campus
611 E. Adams Street
Lunch daily at 12pm
Dinner daily at 6pm

Services A-Z
Behavioral Healthcare for Adults, Beaches (904) 224-3550
Behavioral Healthcare for Adults, Downtown (904) 394-1656
Career, Education & Lifeskills (904) 394-1357
Case Management (904) 394-1360
Children's Program (904) 394-1649
Chronically Homeless Offenders Program (CHOP) (904) 394-8089
Crawford Early Learning Center (904) 392-4952
Dental Care for Adults, Beaches (904) 394-5471
Dental Care for Adults, Downtown (904) 394-8060
Dental Care for Children, Sulzbacher Village (904) 394-4963
Food Services (904) 394-1371
Healthcare for Adults, Beaches (904) 224-3550
Healthcare for Adults, Downtown (904) 394-1660
Healthcare for Children, School-Based Health Center, Ribault High School (904) 924-1624
Healthcare for Children, Sulzbacher Village (904) 394-4958
Healthmobile (904) 422-6921
HOPE Street Outreach Team, Beaches (904) 226-7738
HOPE Street Outreach Teams, Downtown (904) 568-8343
Medical Respite, Downtown (904) 394-1367
Permanent Housing (904) 394-1360
Short-term Emergency Housing for Men (904) 394-1356
Short-term Emergency Housing for Women & Families (904) 394-4950
Sulzbacher Village: A Community for Women & Families (904) 394-4950
Urban Rest Stop, Downtown (904) 358-2411
Veteran's Services (904) 394-1366
Vision Care for Adults, Beaches (904) 224-3550
Vision Care for Adults, Downtown (904) 394-1660
Vision Care for Children, Sulzbacher Village (904) 394-4958